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Our Development Process

At Scale Digitally we believe in standing out. We stand out as a web design company by insisting on pushing the boundaries of website performance, and by delivering work of the highest quality on-time and on-budget.

We take a structured approach to web design. Our development process was created to ensure every project is delivered on-time and on-budget. Once your web design project kicks off, here’s what to expect:

Initial Planning

The first order of business is to sit down with your team and create a detailed set of design and technical specifications. These specifications serve as a roadmap for the rest of the web design process.


Once the wireframing is completed and approved, we’ll proceed with site mockups. These add color and a bit more detail to the initial wireframes, giving us a stronger visual representation of the final product.


At the same time, we’ll kick off the technical side of the web design process. This will include deploying your CMS, creating your custom theme and page designs, and setting up your website’s analytics. This is the stage of the process where we combine all previous information we've collected with copy and graphics making your site literally come to life.


Wireframes are your first chance to visualize your website. While they’re not nearly as detailed as the final site will be, they give us a visual representation of the site’s overall layout.

Copy & Graphics

Once we’ve agreed on a final design based on the mockups, our team will proceed with creating your site’s copy and graphics. We will get to work performing SEO and competitive research and come up with the copy and images for your final site.


Once our writers, designers, and developers have finished their work, our Quality Assurance team will get to work testing your site’s performance and reliability. We’ll use various tools to benchmark your site for loading, responsiveness, and speed, while also ensuring that it works reliably on all web browsers and mobile devices.

Deployment & Optimization

Once we’re sure that your site is ready to be released to the public, we’ll deploy it on your public domain. Then, we’ll shift into a monthly support process that will continue for 12 months. During that period, we’ll create monthly backups of your site, update scripts and plugins to maintain security and reliability, and perform copy and content updates at your request.

Words of Encouragement

Nothing is more precious to us than encouraging words from our clients. Rather than simply telling you how dedicated and skilled the Scale Digitally team is, We would like to offer you a few examples of what our past web design clients have had to say about us and our services:

Jenny Roberts

Happy Client

Our old website was terrible. It didn’t work on mobile, and I don’t think it ever generated a lead for our sales team. Scale Digitally built a new site from the ground up, and we’re extremely happy with it. We’re seeing new leads on a daily basis, what a great investment!

John Fieldman

Happy Client

Scale Digitally did a great job on our website. We regularly update our page layouts and content to improve conversions, and they’re always quick to implement changes we request. Their customer service and dedication are extremely valuable to us.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 days


We believe that you should be happy with your investment. If, for any reason, you don't like certain aspects of our work, just let us know and we will make it right. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll help you get the results you need.

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